On 25 and 26 October 2016, EUVRIN held his second meeting in the premises of Vleva in Brussels, to draw up a review for the first year of activities of the network.

Large participation for the second plenary meeting of EUVRIN

More than 70 researchers from 14 countries were present to meet up and exchange within the Working Groups which have been created in the frame of EUVRIN. The working group "Systems approach in vegetable chain" was split up in two working groups namely: "Post-harvest physiology and technology” and “System approach and value chain". So at this moment 6 working groups are active. Each Working Group has defined his priorities of work for 2017. The documents of the wrap-up are available here.

Fertilisation and irrigation
IPM for vegetable production
Genetic resources and breeding
Greenhouse crops
Postharvest and vegetable quality
Systems approach in vegetable chain

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